Flash fiction about flash fiction

So you want to write flash fiction Erotica? What? Why?

A thousand-ish words on writing. Hint: It often starts with a picture…

Bella Cooper's Randy Reads
5 min readMay 11, 2024


How long is a flash fiction? You get a lot of answers, but basically it’s 301-1000 words. 300 or less are micro-fictions, and there are other terms, but I’m not going down to the gnat’s ass on this.

I do memes as well, and I expect those to be under 20 words-ish. But I digress. Here are some reasons to write flash fiction.

  • Capturing plot ideas
  • Creating the essence of a marketing blurb
  • Doing a meme for marketing yourself or a larger story.
  • Learning to finish a story. (this is huge)
  • Learning to pace the story (words per task)
  • Learning iterative storytelling instead of outlining or Fat outlining.
  • Develop your writing habit. (this is even more important)
  • Learning to working under constraints. (pacing matters)
  • Developing a storytelling imagination. (it’s a muscle)
  • Writing a book a week? Or a daily blog?

Flash fiction structure

Yes, there is a method/structure/pacing to flash fiction. In the simplest terms, people say, beginning, middle, end, moral/conclusion. But that’s not super…

